Monitoring Services

Data Backup Services
As part of our new Additional Services, Watchfront are offering Data Backups as a service to our customers.
With an initial 250GB of storage included we are offering a comprehensive and robust back up facility.
Please see for more details or give us a call on 020 7517 4900.
New Additional Services
Watchfront endeavour to offer our customer more and more options with our new Additional Services.
We are offering 4 new Additional Services: Backups, Monitoring, Video Conferencing and VPN services.
With these we are helping businesses enable their remote workers during these trying times.
We are also offering deals with any combination of these giving you reduction in stand alone costs.
For more information please visit or give us a call on 020 7517 4900.
Colocation Transit Now Includes 1000GB!
As part of our push to give our customers added value from our services, all Colocation now includes 1000GB of transit. Furthermore we are dropping the cost of data transit packages and overage has been reduced to 10p per GB.
These changes come into effect on the 1st of Octiber 2020. Please visit for more details or give us a call on 020 7517 4900.
New Fibre To The Premises(FTTP) Now Available With Unlimited Data!
Watchfront are proud to now offer Fibre To The Premises (FTTP). This new product gives customers increased speeds across optical fibre which is ideal for our customer’s ever increasing broadband needs.
We have various options for FTTP which are available all with unlimited data. Please visit for more details or give us a call on 020 7517 4900.
Broadband Price Drop. FTTC Prices Dropping by Over 40%!
Watchfront are pleased to announce that we are dropping our broadband prices as of 1st of October. With ADSL monthly cost being halved and our FTTC prices dropping by over 40% we strive to give the best for our customers.
On top of these massive reduction we are now providing unlimited data on all lines. Please visit for more details or give us a call on 020 7517 4900.
Suspension of Excess Data Charges in Response to Covid-19
Providing a reliable & stable service remains a top priority for Watchfront. We are constantly monitoring our network and remain confident that your services will continue to operate as normal.
To help all of Watchfront’s Internet customers stay connected in these difficult times, we have removed our monthly transit data caps from our ADSL & FTTC internet connections until further notice.
This means you’ll be able to use as much data as you like without worrying about additional charges.
We will be issuing further relevant statements in the near future. Stay safe.
Watchfront Team
Watchfront’s Covid-19 Protocol – Update 20/03/20
Further to our previous post about the current situation with the Covid-19 virus we are giving another update in relations to any data centre works that may need done during this time.
As this is a fluid situation where the situation is changing daily we will be updating you when there are changes to what is possible.
Access to the data centres, in both Maidenhead and Amsterdam, is allowed but advised to be only for essential maintenance.
There are no firm restrictions on access at this time. We will be working as normal for anything in Maidenhead where we will visit in person.
Currently Amsterdam is reachable but maybe not advised unless in absolute emergency. We can however employ remote hands where such things as disks changes can be done with out a visit from us.
Both of the data centre owners are stating like us that their stance is based on the latest advice from the government and is subject to review and change.
If you have any queries about this please email